We proudly offer you integrity with honest and balanced information.
Identify the Right Strategy and Keep Your Investments on Track
At Diversified Strategies, LLC, we believe that as a financial coaching firm, education and understanding leads to clarity and confidence. Through this process of ongoing coaching, this ultimately leads to peace of mind.
Part of our commitment to you is to have Private Investor Educational Events on many financial topics. We share years of academic research from noble prize winners and continually research to provide this information to you.
We will care for you and your family or business' financial future as we do our own. Your goals and dreams are just as important as ours. We make sure to be available to you for regular, ongoing meetings to help you stay on track.
We Provide:
Investment Management
Ours is a Structured Academic Investment Strategy, which is beyond traditional indexing. Using these techniques, our objective is to provide our clients with an approach to help them find and enjoy their own personal true purpose for money.
As part of our commitment to you, we hold Private Investor Education Events regularly to help educate our valuable clients and their friends and relatives. We select topics that are of interest to retirees, individuals planning to retire, and those who have recently left their employment and are worried that their retirement plans may not provide the outcome they desire. If you would like to receive an invitation to any of our upcoming Private Investor Education Events, subscribe below.
Financial Coaching
Through educational/coaching process, we help people and businesses prepare, plan and implement the best financial lifestyle and retirement strategies so they are clear, confident and have a piece of mind about the direction they are heading for retirement. Our process includes performing a free market analysis on client's current portfolio allocations in order to uncover inefficiencies in their underlying investments. Learn more about our Diversified Solutions and Planning Process today.
Additional Advisory Services
We also offer our expertise through educational financial workshops such as our Investor Coaching Series. Workshops are presented individually or in groups, usually quarterly. Our presentations focus on a variety of issues, such as investments, financial planning, qualified retirement plans, and success coaching.
What We Do:
We own equities and fixed income
We diversify very heavily among the equity asset classes.
We rebalance and periodically...In other words, we sell high and we buy low.
And most importantly, we stay disciplined in good times and in bad.
What We Don’t Do:
We do not pick stocks that someone thinks will do well in the future.
We do not chase yesterday's winners.
We do not try to "time the market" by guessing when to get in, and when to get out.